Armstrong, BC –The City of Armstrong is excited to announce the kick-off of the Comprehensive Armstrong Revitalization Initiative (CARI). This ambitious planning project has been fueled by funding from the Province of BC’s Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) and the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).
The CARI project will reimagine the main corridor, from Smith Drive, along Pleasant Valley Road/Boulevard to the new City Hall. The community will provide input for improvements to the downtown and to prepare for the arrival of the Rail Trail. The project has been awarded to McElhanney Ltd.
“McElhanney brings years of experience to this project with a skilled in-house team” says Mayor Joe Cramer. “Community outreach is going to be a critical part of the project, with workshops, open houses, and online surveys planned for the fall and spring.”
The funding also allowed the City to appoint a part-time, contract Economic Development Coordinator: Dione Chambers, formerly of the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce. Her role will be instrumental in overseeing the CARI project, liaising with the business community and preparing an economic development action plan.
“We recognize that a strong economic plan is critical to realize the community’s long term economic sustainability.” says Laurie Cordell, Manager of Planning Services.
The project is also supported by our community partners; the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce, Communities in Bloom and Community Futures North Okanagan.
The project is underway, and residents and business owners are invited to join in the following ways:
• In-person walk-shops the week of October 23 (all community members welcome).
• Targeted workshop on November 2 by invitation (business owners and community partners)
• Open house the evening of November 9 (all community members welcome).
For those who cannot attend an in person event, and want to provide feedback, they can do a self-directed walk-shop , booklets can be found at the City Hall and/or take the online survey. There will also be a chance to review and provide feedback on the draft plan before adoption by Council.
Visit for project information and future engagement events. Funding for construction is not within the scope of this project and will be considered through future City budget and grant application processes.
Last modified: June 14, 2024