OCP update

The City is starting the process of updating the Official Community Plan “PLANarmSTRONG” to create a fresh vision and plan for the future growth, development, sustainability and resiliency of our community. An OCP is a long-term planning bylaw that outlines the vision, goals, policies and strategies for guiding and managing growth and development in a community.

OCPs guide City decision-making, policies, and investments in areas such as land use, infrastructure, transportation, housing, environment, arts and culture, parks, and economic development.

The City’s current OCP was last updated in 2014, and requires a comprehensive update. The plan will provide a fresh vision for Armstrong’s future that aligns with evolving conditions, trends, and developments within and outside of our community. Council has identified the review of the current OCP as a priority in the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.

Throughout the “PLANarmSTRONG” process, there will be opportunities for providing input on what is important to you.

Project Schedule

Project Background

The current City of Armstrong OCP was adopted in 2014. It is best practice to review and update OCPs every 5 years. There are substantial opportunities for the community to address broader community-level and regional issues through the update of the Official Community Plan. These include community sustainability in relation to both growth management and densification, as well as community resiliency and economic prosperity in light of climate change.


This proposed project aims to modernize the existing OCP, but not entirely re-write and produce a new OCP (this work may follow an update, once more pressing matters are addressed). The priorities identified for a review and update include, but are not limited to:


– Population Numbers and Growth Projections

– Growth Management and Areas of Densification (integrating land use and sustainability)

– Housing Goals and Objectives

– Natural Environment DP Area (technical) and Stability and Erosion DP Area (technical)

– City Centre DP Area (form and character)

Background Documents

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