Public Notices|

Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program Supports Comprehensive Armstrong Revitalization Project

Armstrong, BC – The City is excited to announce that the Province of BC has selected the Comprehensive Armstrong Revitalization Project for funding through the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP). This funding will allow the City to reimagine the main corridor, from Smith Drive, along Pleasant Valley Road/Boulevard to the new City Hall, and consider improvements to make Armstrong more attractive to businesses and residents, prepare for the arrival of the Rail Trail and be more inclusive and welcoming to all.

“This is a great opportunity to build on previous work and bring focus to improving the way our downtowns look and function” says Mayor Cramer, “The funding from the Province’s REDIP grant gives us the resources to talk to our community and build a plan that reflects our needs.”

This project will leverage not only the funding budgeted for planned capital improvements and grant funding previously received from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI), it builds on the support of our community partners; the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce, Communities in Bloom and Community Futures North Okanagan.

The project involves the creation of a Revitalization Plan that includes pulling together all the previous studies, integrating the Rail Trail connection, wayfinding and signage development designing active transportation routes, landscaping upgrades and road improvements. The funding also allows the City to secure a consultant and a two-year project coordinator who will help develop the process and timing for the project, including the community conversations.

Funding for construction is not within the scope of this project and will be considered through City budget and grant application processes. It is anticipated that this planning project will be initiated in May 2022.

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