In response to the heat that is anticipated to last into the weekend, the City of Armstrong encourages individuals who may be most impacted by this heat event include seniors, children, those with underlying medical conditions, and those who do not have access to alternative air-conditioned shelter to seek opportunities to cool off within our community.
Members of the public are welcome to visit the Nor-Val Sport Centre, the Okanagan Regional Library Armstrong Branch, Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum and Art Gallery, Memorial Park Spray Park, the Seniors Activity Centre. Please contact these organizations in advance to confirm the days and hours of operation. To pass the time at these sites you may want to bring your own books to read, small games to play, activities or snacks and a water bottle that can be filled.
Overheating during extreme hot weather can lead to dangerous health conditions such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Some people are more susceptible to hot weather, including older adults, infants and children, those with chronic diseases, outdoor workers, and marginalized populations. The human body cools itself by sweating, so drinking lots of water is critically important during hot weather, even for those who do not feel thirsty. Sweat provides the most effective cooling when air from a natural breeze or a fan moves over the skin and evaporates the moisture. Applying water directly to the skin using a sprayer, a wet towel, or a wet shirt can also help to promote evaporative cooling, especially in situations when the ambient temperature is high. For more information on beating the heat go to the City’s website for more tips on keeping cool.
If you or another person is concerned or experiencing a heat related health risk, please contact your physician or HeathLink BC at 811, if it is of an urgent nature, please contact 911.
Beat the Heat 
Check out local places including coffee shops and stores as well as these tips to stay cool:
Okanagan Regional Library – Armstrong Branch
#1 – 3305 Smith Drive, Armstrong, BC
Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum & Art Gallery
3415 Pleasant Valley Road, Armstrong, BC
Armstrong Seniors Activity Centre
2520 Patterson Avenue, Armstrong, BC
3351 Park Drive, Armstrong, BC
Area Spray Parks & Splash Pads
Check out these tips on Keeping Cool from Interior Health !